Monday, April 28, 2008
Políssonos and Narrativas Sonoras
Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

Políssonos from Rui Penha on Vimeo.


Políssonos is a loop-based midi sequencer that elicits the relation between the rhythmical division of time and the shapes of polygons. It was developed in September 2007, for the month of "Music + Mathematics", in October 2007, at Casa da Música. A simple midi sequencer at its core, Políssonos is mainly a proposal for a loop orientated alternative to the traditional “piano roll” interface. Políssonos was awarded with an honorable mention at Lomus 2008 - International Music Software Contest.

Download for Mac:

Download for Windows:

Narrativas Sonoras from Rui Penha on Vimeo.

Narrativas Sonoras

Narrativas Sonoras is a very simple audio sequencer that uses granular synthesis at it’s core engine. Although the current version was developed in January 2008, its original design dates back to end of 2006. The first implementation of the software employed a Processing user interface controlling a hidden Max/MSP sound engine. The current generation, however, runs entirely on Max/MSP, with the graphical user interface, still developed using Processing, running on the java layer available within Max/MSP. The user interface of Narrativas Sonoras was originally based on an example one can find in the Processing’s Examples folder - StoringInput. Narrativas Sonoras was awarded with an honorable mention at Lomus 2008 - International Music Software Contest.

Download for Mac:

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Sony Creative Software Inc. - Sound Forge Audio Studio